Reception Newsletter - 10th March

Date: 17th Mar 2017 @ 11:00am


Dear Parents,

This week we discovered a bowl of flour and a bowl of wheat. This led us to listening to the story The Little Red Hen. We listened to and followed the story without any pictures or props and have been retelling the story in preparation for our story writing. Well done!!

During maths, the Little Red Hen asked us to help her ladybird friends, who had lost their spots. We helped put their spots back by doubling numbers. We said ‘double 2 is 4’, ‘double 3 is 6’ etc.

In PE we played a Little Red Hen team game. Each team worked together to collect as much bread as they could before they were caught by the farmers.

We had a very interesting show and tell this week! We were very intrigued by some 'magic' stones and all made a wish on them. We looked at a special nursery photograph. It was good to think back to when we were younger and how much we've grown up since. We were really impressed with the painted Ninja Turtle (we definitly have a talented artist in the making!) We were amazed at the model held together with screws and nails! We loved trying on the balloon hat, and wondered what else could be made with balloons. Take a look at our photos below :) 


Keep the donations coming... the children are absolutely loving them. Thank you again!


Señorita Mercedes has provided the children with a link to their favourite song. It’s and search for la vaca lo la. Enjoy!


We are currently assessing the children’s phonic knowledge now that we have finished phase 3. No new tricky words this week. Please continue to revisit previous sounds and words.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Davies and Miss Parr