Reception News

Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 11:36am

Reception News

 We've had another fantastic week here in Reception class. The children have been busy exploring the classroom and our outdoor area. Playing outside has been a favourite choice for lots of the children this week. The mud kitchen has been most popular! Please could you send wellies in for your child if you haven't already. Thank you!

We finally had chance to go on our new playground area on Thursday. The children had lots of fun. Photos to follow! smiley


We have noticed that some of the children are really struggling with their self-care skills. We are absolutely always here to help but we would like the children to work towards being independent as much as possible. Please could you spend some time over the weekend and following weeks helping your child to become independent with the following things;

- Turning sleeves on cardigans, jumpers and coats the right way when they are inside out

- Putting coats on

- Putting cardigans and jumpers on

- Taking jumpers off

- Pulling trousers up after using the toilet

- Wiping after using the toilet

- Putting shoes on

- Putting snack boxes into bookbags

*It would also really help if you could teach your child to open their snack e.g. opening the wrapper of the cereal bar/fruit packet.

Top tip: Some parents have opened the wrappers slightly so that their child can do the rest. 

Again, we are always here to help but would really appreciate your support in these areas.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you next week smiley