Reception News and World Book Day

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 4:06pm

Hello everyone.

Another great week here in Reception class. The children have been super story tellers this week; learning to retell the story The Little Red Hen. In maths they have been learning to combine or add together two groups of numbers to find the total. They have also took part in some observational drawing of flowers, which they loved! They are amazing artists. 

Finally, it was World Book Day on Thursday and what a great day it was! Take a look at our photos below!


Next week we are reading Handa's Surprise and we will be doing some food tasting! We will be trying some of Handa's fruit as well as some others. This will take place on Tuesday 8th March. Please email the school office if you do not wish for your child to take part in this activity. 

A letter will also be sent home on Monday in regards to this.

Have a great weekend!

The Reception Team