Reception News - 8th October

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 9:45pm

What an exciting week we've had!

This week we read the story I want a friend by Tony Ross. We have explored what makes a good friend, what might break a friendship and how we can fix our friendships when we fall out. 

In maths we have explored length. We have described and compared different lengths using language such as longer, shorter, longest and shortest.

In Come and See we have continued to explore the importance of our names. We listened to scripture by Isaiah who told us that God loves us and knows our names. 

Finally, we celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday by reciting our friendship poem in assembly!

Evidence Me

We have shared our first observations today via Evidence Me. Please remember, we'd love for you to share your child's learning with us too!


Please could you send in your framed family photos by next week. We will be using these as part of our discussions. Thank you!

Have a good weekend.

From, the Reception Team.