Reception News - 25th February

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 11:20am

Welcome back everyone.

We hope you had a restful half term.

The children have quicky settled into school life again and are continuing to enjoy our All around me topic. In this topic we have already explored themes such as local environments and minibeasts and their habitats. This half term we are focussing on growth and we kickstarted the week with Jasper's Beanstalk. Some of the other texts will be reading this half term are Rosie's Walk, The Little Red Hen and Titch. 

Our maths units are Growing 6,7,8 and Growing 9 and 10. You may have noticed we have worked with numbers to 5 for a long time now. This is because of the important skills that need to be embedded before applying them to larger numbers. Skills such as composition, more/fewer, comparing and representing. These are essential!

Have you seen our new outdoor area? We have invested in our outdoor environment recently and are really pleased with the experiences we are able to provide our children. Our new purchases include new balance bikes, scooters and wobble boards, a mud kithen, sand pit and small world area and we are looking forward to having our new stage, woodwork bench and reading dens delivered. 

Evidence Me

We hope that you are still enjoying the app and find it helpful to see what your child is learning at school. Please feel free to share observations from home, whether that is something your child has achieved recently or share your child's interests. This really helps us to support your child in school and further thier learning. 

As always, if you have any questions or conerns about your child, please come and chat to us at the door, email or call us. 

The Reception Team.