Reception News - 24th September

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 1:41pm

Hello from all of us here in Reception class!

We are so pleased with how the children have settled into their third week in school. They are superstars. Take a look at our photos!

This week we have been exploring choices. We read You Choose by Nick Sharrat and talked about the choices we make. The children said they can choose things like milk or water at snack time, what they would like to eat for lunch and which story they would like to read at home time. We know that we all like and choose different things and that’s okay.

We also thought about making good choices and what might be a wrong choice. The children decided it would be a good idea to make some classroom rules so that we could make the right choices. 

Next week we will be exploring what makes each of us special and unique.


Please remember to send in spare underwear and socks in a clear plastic bag for your child if you haven't already.

We have now hung the children's framed family photos in our Home Corner but are missing quite a few still. Please could you send in a framed photo of your family as soon as you can. Thank you. 

Finally - my apologies - lots of you have been asking about when home readers should be returned. Books should come back to school on Monday and we will issue a new one!

Have a fab weekend. 

The Reception Team