Reception News - 1st October

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 11:16am

Hello everyone,

This week we listened to the story We All Belong by Nathalie Goss.

We explored things that make us special and unique and celebrated our differences and similarities! To celebrate this, the children have painted self-portraits. We are going to display these in our classroom to show that we all belong to Reception class. 

In Come and See we explored the importance of our names. 

In Maths we have worked on using language to describe and compare height - taller/shorter/tallest/shortest.

Lost Property 

Please could you have a look at home to see if your child has brought Isabella Rose's cardigan home with them. Thank you.

Evidence Me

You should have received an email from the Evidence Me app to invite you to join. Over the next couple of weeks you will begin to see observations of your child. We will be posting the weekly observations each Friday. Your child will have at least one observation per fortnight - if you don't recieve an observation on one week, there will definitely be one posted the following week. Our first observation post will be Friday 8th October. 

We would love to hear from you - if your child has any WOW moments at home, please share it with us on the app!


Learning to ride a bike or zipping up their coat for the first time

Talking knowledgably about one of their interests or a recent experience

Showing confidence and resilience when trying something new or overcoming a challenge

Anything that made them (or yourselves) really proud!


We will continue to share photos on the blog, although this may be less frequent now that you'll see your child's learning on the app. Please do continue to check the blog each Friday to see important messages and information.


Poppy merchandise go on sale next week. Items cost £1 each. If you wish to purchase a poppy, a keyring or a snap band, please send money in your child's wallet. 

Have a great weekend!

The Reception Team x