Reception News - 19th November

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 11:43am

Hello everyone,

Last week, in preparation for Remembrance Day, the children read Where The Poppies Now Grow and spoke at length about soldiers, the war and life in the past. They returned over and over again to the creative area to make poppies.

This week we have been exploring the theme, Families. The children read The Great Big Book of Families and discovered ways our families can be different and similar.

It was also Anti-Bullying week. Mrs Taylor and the children talked about the importance of being kind and loving each other.

In Come and See, the children explored Diwali as part of our Other Faiths topic. They loved the story of Rama and Sita and were keen to make their own Rangoli patterns.

As you can see, we've had a very busy couple of weeks!

The weeks ahead of us are going to be filled with lots of Christmas fun!

Enjoy the photos below :)