Reception News - 15th October

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 11:06am

Happy Friday everyone,

We've had another lovely week. This week we have been talking about our emotions. We read The Jar of Happiness by Ailsa Burrows. We have talked lots about how we show different feelings and ways we can manage them, particularly when we are feeling cross or upset. 

In maths we have been comparing quantities by using language such as more, fewer and the same. 

In Come and See we have continued our work in the topic Myself. This week we used scripture to compare God's love for us with the love and care our families have for us. The scripture said God's love was like being held safe and snug in a parent's arms - We looked at our family photos as we listened to the words. 

Finally, we have been exploring primary colours and colour mixing! So much fun :)


We have new sounds this week - letter formation activities have been sent home. Remember - make this activity really fun! It can be done in sand, salt, flour, glitter or with chalk and paint! Pencil to paper is not always essential (or the most fun).

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team