Reception News - 9th October

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 8:58pm

Reception News

Well, another week done! 

Come and See

We have now finished our first topic, Myself. We will be starting our new topic, Welcome, next week. Over the next couple of weeks we will be thinking about being welcomed into God's family through baptism. Please could you send a baptism photograph in for our prayer table. Thank you.


This week our focus story has been Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. In the story Little Monkey loses his family but finds them in the end with some help from Butterfly. We have been thinking about our own families. The children have noticed that each of their families are different. They have drawn pictures of their families and posted them to their homes. Keep an eye out for the postman! 

In maths we have been exploring patterns. The children were really good at creating their own repeating patterns with colours, shape, movements and sounds. 

New sounds and tricky words in phonics this week. Don't forget to use the sound mat (in front of yellow reading record) to revisit all previous sounds. How quickly can the children recall them?


Mrs Hymers has said that lots of the children are expressing an interest in walking from the school gates to the classroom door independently. If your child is happy to do this, why don't you try it out next weeksmiley

Please could you send spare underwear and socks in a named bag if you haven't already. This is particularly important now that we're playing out in the wet weather. 

Could you please check that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled, especially PE hoodies. Thank you!

We have sent home our home learning books and packs tonight. Please see the letter (inside book) for further information about this. We kindly ask that the books/packs are only to be used during times of isolation or if we were to go into lockdown again. Many thanks.

Huge apologies to the children who have won house star and good work this week. In all of the excitement of posting our letters this afternoon, we completely forgot to give stickers and trophies out. We will do this first thing on Monday! 


Please can you open your child's snack wrappers slightly to enable them to do the rest independently. 

Please send:

Everyday - Bookabags and wallets

Thursday - Reading books and yellow reading records

Friday - Tricky word books

Have a great weekend!

The Reception Team


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