Reception News - 8th January

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 7:56pm

Welcome back everyone.

We are so sad that not all of our Reception children could return after Christmas. The children are really missing their friends who are learning from home. Hopefully we can all be back together very soon. heart

We have spent the week settling back into school. The children were excited to share their Christmas news with their friends and tell them about the presents they received from Father Christmas. We decided to write a letter to thank him.

In maths the children have been exploring shapes with 4 sides and 4 corners - squares and rectangles. They have been matching, sorting, naming and describing shapes all week! 

Next week we will start our new topic - Space. Our children learning from home will be joining us on Monday (via Microsoft Teams) to listen to our morning story alongside our children in school. We can't wait smiley

See you all next week!

From, The Reception Team