Reception News - 6th October

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 1:57pm

Hi everyone,

This week we read the story Elmer by David McKee. In the story, Elmer’s friends celebrate his differences and appreciate the things he is good at. We have been talking this story and we have realised that we all look different, just Elmer does. We now know that we all like to do different things and we are all good at different things too! So we have done some amazing writing about how we are special and unique. Just like last week, we are trying really hard to hear the first sound in words and write it down. Some of us are hearing the final sounds in words too!

We have been doing even more counting in maths. We are really good at counting forwards to 20 but we still need lots more practise counting backwards. We have been helping Miss Davies to order our Elmer elephants from 1-20 because they were all mixed up.

In our prayer times this week, we have been thinking about being special and we have thanked God for making every one of us. We know God made us all different and unique. We sang, If I were a butterfly.

We celebrated National Poetry week this week by learning a poem. We were so good at remembering the words. We went to the hall to perform it in front of the whole school! Miss Davies was so proud of us! If you ask us, we might perform it for you at home. This is how it goes….

Ten little fingers, ten little toes.

Two little ears and one little nose.

Two little eyes, that can see.

And two little lips that say…

I’m happy to be me!

Thank you to all that could make it to our Harvest Assembly celebration. We hope you enjoyed our photos and song.


We are so amazing at phonics. We are beginning to blend the sounds we know to read the words. This week we looked at the sounds g – round the girl’s face and give her a curl, o – all around the orange, c – curl around the caterpillar and k – down the kangaroo’s body, round his tail and kick. Miss Davies set us a challenge. Can we use our sound mat (front of reading record) and say the sounds as quick as we can?

Good News

We heard some very special and exciting news from one of our friends. She told us that her Mummy had her baby sister in her tummy! We also celebrated a fantastic swimming achievement from another of our friends who swam 10 metres! That’s more than Miss Davies can swim. We heard about a trip to Chester Zoo and enjoyed looking at her souvenir. We looked at some interesting flower petals and listened to some information about them. Last but not least, we celebrated a football achievement.

House Points

Lots and lots of house points were given out this week!

Our house point winners in Reception are:

Matthew – Freddy

Mark – Malachy

Luke – Emily

John – Kate

Well done!

Have a great weekend!