Reception News - 4th December

Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 2:50pm

Reception News

Our focus story this week was Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  In the story Goldilocks made the wrong choices! She ate the porridge, broke the chair and even snooped through the kitchen cupboards.

The children have been writing letters to Goldilocks to tell her how to fix her friendship with the bears. They have also been thinking of ways they can fix their own friendships when they are broken.

In maths we have been working hard to find one more and one less than numbers to 5.


We are using the next two weeks to consolidate the skills we have learned so far. This week will be the last set of new sounds and tricky words until we return to school after Christmas. We will be playing games that will help us to read and write sentences and tricky words with independence. Please continue to help your child learn the tricky words sent home and recall all the phase 2 and phase 3 sounds covered so far. Thank you for your support.



We have been practising our Christmas performance this week – the children have chosen their parts and will be helping to tell the story of the first Christmas through songs and actions 😊 Next week we will be filming it! *We will provide costumes for the children.

Please inform the office if you do not wish for your child to be filmed. This film will be appearing on the website.

Messages from Miss Davies...

Just a little reminder to open snack wrappers for your child so that they can then open the rest independently. It would be much appreciated! 

Grapes must be cut in half, lengthways.

Spare underwear and socks to be sent if not already done. 

Thank you!


Have a great weekend!

Recpetion Team

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