Reception News - 3rd November

Date: 3rd Nov 2017 @ 8:35am

And we're back!

We were so excited to see all our friends again and we have settled back into school perfectly. We have spent the week playing together, talking about our half-term news and enjoying all the inside and outside activities. We've had lots of fun! Take a look at our photos below...

Bucket Filling

Miss Davies has seen so much bucket filling this week. She spotted Niamh caring for Andrew when he hurt himself and spotted Freddi letting Taylor have a turn of the wiggle board. She is so proud of how caring and kind we all are. 

Good News

We heard about a trip to Alton Towers and some spooky rides as well as an exciting visit to the theatre. We celebrated lots of achievements this week. We were proud of a fantastic footballer, an amazing reader and a wonderful welly walker! 

House Points

Our Reception winners this week are...

Matthew - Ishaan

Mark - Thomas

Luke - Niamh

John - James

Well done! smiley

Next Week

We will be starting up our phonics and home activities again next week. So enjoy your weekend and we'll see you on Monday smiley (maybe have a practise of those tricky words...)