Reception News - 2nd October

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:39pm

Reception News

What another wonderful fun filled week! 

In Come and See we listened to the scripture, Psalm 131 that talks about God's love for us. It said God's love for us is like being held by our grown-ups, safe and snug. We shared our family photos and added them to our prayer table. 


This week we shared the story Elmer by David McKee. In the story Elmer realises that it's good to be different and that our differences should  be celebrated! We talked about the ways we are different to eachother and that this makes us special. 

In maths we have been comparing quantities, recognising when a set has more, fewer or the same amount. We have also been comparing objects of different size using language such as big, large, small, little.

In phonics we have new sounds to practise: i, n, m and d. Like last week, I have attached the formation sheets below. 

**Apologies - last week's tricky words should have been sent home on Monday but weren't. Both sets of words will be sent next week. 

Finally, we headed outside to help Elmer's friends play a game of hide and seek. To help them hide, we looked for ways to camouflage them - something Elmer would find tricky to do as a patchwork elephant! We noticed the different colours in the environment now that the season has changed. 



Reading books and yellow reading records only need to be sent on Thursdays.

Wallets to be sent every day!

Wellies please if they aren't already here smiley


Have a great weekend. 

The Reception Team heart

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