Reception News - 29th September

Date: 28th Sep 2017 @ 8:24pm

Hi everyone,

This week we read the story The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We noticed that Rainbow Fish wasn’t being a very good friend. So we have done some fabulous writing about how we are going to be a good friend to each other. We are trying really hard to hear the first sound in words and write it down. Miss Davies said playing I-Spy at home will help smiley

It was British Values Week this week so we reminded ourselves of our classroom rules. We thought about our school rules and the rules of the country. We have been finding out about the role of the Police and how they keep us safe.

We have been doing lots of counting in maths. We are practising counting to 20 and have been learning to count backwards too! We helped Rainbow Fish to make some friends by giving him the correct number of sea creatures. Recognising the numbers was a bit tricky for some of us! 

In Come and See we have been thinking all about people who are special to us. We now know that when we pray, we are talking to God. We said a prayer for our families and friends and asked God to take care of them because we love them.


We have been working super hard in phonics. We now know the sounds i - down the insect's body and dot for his head, n - down Nobby and over his net, m - Maisie, mountain, mountain and d - round the dinosaur's bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet. Miss Davies said to keep practising reading and writing our sounds at home smiley

Good News

We were so proud of our friend who moved up a grade in Jiu Jitsu and got his red belt. We were also super impressed by our friend who had created his own t-shirt design. Wow!


House Points

We have found out this week all about house points. We earn house points when we work hard and try our best. We each belong to our own house; Matthew (blue), Mark (yellow), Luke (red) and John (green). At the end of each week we have a house point winner; the person who earns the most house points. We celebrate this in our Friday assembly. 

Our house point winners in Reception are:

Matthew - Ruby

Mark - Heidi

Luke - Freddi

John - Jessica

Well done smiley


Wallets should be sent to school every day even if they are empty.

Children should have a pair of wellies in school.

Water bottles need to be sent every day. 

Thank you

Have a great weekend!