Reception News - 29th January

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 2:40pm

Reception News

Hello everyone!

What a wonderful week we've had both at home and school. A huge well done to all the children for their hard work smiley

It's well-being week this week so we have been exploring different aspects of ourselves such as being confident, being thankful and friendly. We will be continuing this work for the next couple of weeks. 

In literacy we have now finished our unit The Fox's Sack. This week the children have done some beautiful artwork, they have been hot seating, recylcing a story and finally, writing some super sentences. 

In maths we have been exploring 5. This week we have been 'Digging Deeper' which helps us to apply our knowledge.

In Come and See we continued our Other Faiths topic and learned all about Hanukkah, a Jewish celebration.

I wonder what will next week bring?

*If your child is now at school and does not need their home learning book anymore, please could you send it to school so that we can celebrate their lovely work. We will keep their books in their Learning Journey files as a record. 

Have a great weekend and a well deserved rest heart