Reception News - 27th November

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 9:42pm

Reception News

The children were very interested in the Nativity scene set up in our classroom on Monday. They recognised baby Jesus straight away! We listened to the story of when Jesus was born. The children enjoyed listening to the songs that helped to tell each part of the story.

We finally finished our Welcome topic in Come and See. We remembered and celebrated all the wonderful work we have done during our special prayer time.

In maths we have been looking at the numbers 4 and 5. We have counted forwards and backwards, we have represented these numbers in different ways, we have counted objects and looked at which smaller numbers make 4 and 5. Lots of skills practised this week.

The children have enjoyed choosing their own writing activities this week. They all picked something exciting to write about!

New sounds in phonics this week. Last week’s formation sheets have also been uploaded. No new tricky words this week – hooray!

Have you seen our very scary scarecrow in our garden?! Inspired by the pantomime last week, the children thought it would be a good idea to make a scarecrow for our garden as part of our Take Care Tuesday (this is when we spend some time looking after our garden and outdoor area).


Messages from Miss Davies…

Lost Property


Please please could you label your child’s hoodie clearly with their name. We have several hoodies left behind every week with no names. There are two hoodies in class if anyone is missing one.

  • Next - age 5-6
  • Primark - age 5.

Could you have a little check at home to see if Ellis’ hoodie has gone home with your child (it’s a Next one age 4).


Could you check that cardigans and jumpers are also named and that you don’t have another child’s at home – we are missing several. Isla is now missing two cardigans and we’re still looking out for Daisy’s.

Spare clothes

If you haven’t already, we kindly ask that you send some spare underwear and socks in a named bag for your child. Thank you.


As the weather gets colder, the children will need hats and gloves. We still spend lots of time outside in all types of weather! 😊 Please label all items with your child’s name.


Have a great weekend.

From, The Reception Team!

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