Reception News - 23rd October

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 2:44pm

Reception News

Can you believe we have finished our first half term in school? It's been absolutely wonderful getting to know each other and having lots of fun together. As always, we've had a busy but fun week.

Come and See

We have started our new topic Welcome this week. We have explored different ways to welcome eachother and have even had a go at saying hello in some different languages.

We've been talking about baptism and being welcomed into God's family. The children have really enjoyed sharing their baptism photographs and have now added them to our prayer table. Don't worry if you haven't sent one yet, we can always share more throughout our topic. 


Our story this week is Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. It's about a fish who needs a bit of help fixing his friendships after being unkind to his fish friends. 

We have been thinking all about things that make a good friend. We have also talked about things that break a friendship and ways we can fix them. 

We have drawn pictures of our friends and written about why they're a good friend to us.

In maths we have been exploring 'one more' and 'one less'. For example, we know one more than 3 is 4 and one less than 2 is 1. 

Teach and Treat!

The children had an absolutely wonderful day on Thursday. Look how fantastic they look in their Halloween clothes! (See photos below).


Our new sounds this week are h, b, f and ff. Letter formation sheets have been uploaded as normal. Tricky words have been sent home tonight and a new book for half-term has been given. Please return these on the Monday we return to school. Thank you! 


Check out our gallery to see photos of the children playing and learning most recently. 

Half-term Challenge

We would like you to go and explore this half-term. As it's Autumn, we thought the challenges below would be so much fun to do! 

*Grown-ups: Could you please take some photographs of your child completing any Autumnal activities over half term (they don't have to be those suggested below!) We would love to display these photos and all of their half-term learning in our classroom. Please feel free to email any photos you take and we will print them. If you could also include any comments your child makes about things they notice or questions they might ask.  We need your help!

With the current restrictions, we are unable to invite new families and children into school to see our Reception class and all of the lovely learning we do.

We would like to put together a collection of photos of our classroom and your children at play to give new prospective parents a little insight into Reception life. We would also love to hear from you. If you have a spare minute, could you send us an email and let us know your experience of Reception so far. What are we getting right?

*If you would rather your child's photograph did not appear in this promotional material, please inform the office. 

Many, many thanks.

Have a wonderful half-term break. See you soon. 

From, all of the Reception Team heart

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