Reception News - 22nd September

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 5:22pm

Hello everyone,

Well it's been another week of firsts for us. We have started to spend our lunch times with the rest of the infant children on the 'big playground' and we love it! We also had our first PE lesson. Miss Davies was super super impressed with us getting dressed and undressed all by ourselves! Those buttons are still a little tricky but we all had a try.

And you'll never guess what Cheeky Chimp has been up to...he's been leaving the toys out, running and shouting inside and he was even unkind to poor Wise Owl. We have been talking all about making the right choices and we have written some classroom rules for Cheeky Chimp to follow. 


We started our phonics this week and blew Miss Davies' socks off, we were that good! We are enjoying all the games we play to help us learn our sounds. We now know, s - slither down the snake, a - round the apple, down the leaf, t - down the tower, across the tower and p - down the pirate's plait and round his face.

Bucket Fillers

We listened to a story all about bucket filling this week. It said that when we are kind and caring and do nice things for our friends, we fill their buckets with lovely thoughts and feelings...(we said it looked like magic).                                                                                                     

But if we are unkind to our friends it leaves them with empty buckets and sad and lonely feelings. It also means that we empty our own buckets and leave us feeling sad too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

But Miss Davies said we are all going to be amazing bucket fillers because we're such kind friends! laugh We can't wait to fill our buckets in class.

Come and See

Our Come and See topic is Myself. We have been thinking about our names and our friends names. We know that God knows us all and knows our names and loves every one of us.

Good News

After talking about how we can follow in Jesus' footsteps, Miss Davies caught Emily and Ruby encouraging each other by giving a big high five!


We heard some lovely news all about a fantastic football achievement as well as a lovely trip to the zoo and we were 'wowed' by some amazing artwork. 


Another busy week done. Phew!