Reception News - 22nd January

Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 8:53pm

Reception News

What a week! Both the children at school and at home have absolutely worked their socks off this week.

Here's what we've all been up to...

We are learning about 'Special Days' in Come and See as part of our Other Faiths topic. We will be exploring Hanukkah next week. 

We are enjoying a new story in literacy, The Fox's Sack. We have been retelling the story through story mapping, story stepping, singing and role play. 

We are exploring the composition of numbers to 5 in maths. We have been finding out different combinations of numbers that make 5. 

We are working on strengthening our fine motor skills this half term. Last week we enjoyed Dough Disco, this week we played lots of peg games. 

Finally, the children at school have loved seeing our home learning friends during phonics this week. We hope our friends at home enjoyed joining us for phonics through Teams. Join us again next week for more new sounds smiley


Parents of children in school: We are taking such care to ensure that we all keep a safe distance in class. So for now, guided reading is not going ahead. This is due to the very close contact needed to support children in this process. Instead, we are sharing stories and encouraging independent reading wherever we can. We are also providing opportunities to read during our phonics sessions.

As we are also unable to send reading books home, we ask that you continue to access the home readers that are posted on the home learning dashboard and read with your child as often as you can. Thank you for your continued support. 

Have a great weekend everyone smiley

See you next week!

From, Miss Davies