Reception News - 20th September

Date: 20th Sep 2019 @ 10:05am

Reception News

This week we read the story 'Elmer'. The story is about an Elephant who is different from his friends. We talked about things we like to do and things that we are good at. We realised that we are all different too.


Come and See

After settling in for the last couple of weeks, we have now started our topic 'Myself'. We have been talking about our special names and that God knows each of us. 

Next week we will be thinking about how it feels to be loved by God and our families. Please could you send in a photograph of your family so that we can add it to our prayer table. Thankyou

(We can photocopy original photos and send them home if preferred.)


Reminders from Mrs Amor.....

We have a missing cardigan from Reception. Please could you check your cardigans and bring back any extras you have aquired throughout the week smiley Thankyou.



We have a parent's Maths Workshop coming up on 4th October at 2.45pm, it would be lovely if you could attend.



Please no backpacks for your reception children, all your child needs is a bookbag and a water bottle. 



A note has been glued into the front of the reading records. It includes some activities that will help support your child's reading.


As mentioned in our Phonics Workshop we have sent home a small pack of phonics activities and games for you and your child to enjoy smiley


See you all next week smiley

Mrs Amor