Reception News - 20th November

Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 9:39pm

Reception News

This week the children discovered a baking tray. On the baking tray was a gingerbread man shadow. They decided the tray belonged to the little old lady who baked a gingerbread man. The children were excited to read the story and enjoyed joining in with the words ‘Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!’.

The old lady sent a letter asking for help. She told us she needed help to sell her gingerbread biscuits. We decided to make a bake sale poster to tell everyone about her yummy biscuits. The children were very good at using different describing words. Then they enjoyed making and decorating their own salt dough gingerbread men with Mrs Amor. I bet they’d love to bake some real biscuits to munch on!

In maths we have been exploring positional language. Through stories, songs, games and actions the children have been learning to understand and use language such as on, in, under, over, in between, next to, in front and behind.


I hope you found the phonics feedback useful. If you could have a read of your child’s next steps (where appropriate) and practise these areas, it would be much appreciated!

New sounds and tricky words this week. Our new sounds are j, v and w. Apologies – letter formation sheets haven’t been uploaded to the blog – I will do this on Monday.

Christmas comes early!

We kickstarted our countdown to Christmas with tree decorating on Wednesday. The children were dressed in Christmassy clothes and enjoyed listening to some Christmas music. It felt very festive! Then they went to watch the pantomime. The children said it was so much fun 😊


That’s it from us for another week.

Have a great weekend!


The Reception Team