Reception News - 1st December

Date: 1st Dec 2017 @ 8:47am


Our next Come and See topic is Birthdays. In preparation for this, please could you send a photo of your child celebrating a birthday. We will be adding their photos to our prayer table. We will take copies and send original photos home. Alternatively, you can email a photo to our school email address and we will print them. Thank you.

We are well and truly into the swing of Christmas now.

On Monday we found a huge box of decorations, a nativity set and a letter from an elf named Jingle. We knew this meant it was getting closer to Christmas! Jingle asked us to decorate our Christmas tree. It was so much fun smiley We have been thinking about how we celebrate Christmas with our families.

We read the Christmas story and have finally started our Christmas play. We are so excited to perform on the stage! Have a look in our wallets, you will find information about the part we are playing in the play and our costumes.


We have started our phonics again this week so we have some new sound sheets in our wallets to practise over the weekend. Our new tricky words are his, him, some, here.


Please could all books (reading, library, home activity and tricky words) be kept in bookbags and only forms of correspondence to be sent in wallets. Wallets are checked everyday for letters and money etc. but it's tricky to do when the wallets are full. Please could we ask for wallets to be emptied every night. Thank you!