Reception News - 16th October

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:00pm

Reception News

This week our focus story is Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French and Alison Bartlett. Oliver discovers lots of new vegetables in Grandpa's garden and tries some new vegetable dishes!

During our 'talking time', we have been thinking about ways to stay healthy including, eating healthy foods, exersising and keeping ourselves clean. The children made a healthy poster to remind others to make healthy choices. 

Inspired by Oliver's pea soup, the children have helped to make their own vegetable soup to try at snack time. They gave their soup a big thumbs up (well, most of them did!)

In maths we have been exploring ways to represent numbers. The children have used objects, movements, pictures and sounds to represent numbers 1, 2 and 3. Take a look at our photos to see their representations!

New sounds and tricky words again this week. Please find our formation sheets attached. Remember to look at the Phonics Guidance document attached to our class page. It's full of ideas to help support your child with their learning smiley 

Head over to our Gallery to see our letter posting afternoon last week! mail


- Please could you have a look for Daisy's cardigan at home - her name is on the label. Thank you. 


That's it from us. See you next week!

The Reception Team heart

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