Reception News - 15th September

Date: 14th Sep 2017 @ 6:29pm

Hello, hello

Our first full week is officially done! The children have done amazingly well this week, taking everything in their stride.

Lunch times

We have been sending home lunch time slips with the children if they haven't really enjoyed their lunch choice that day so I hope that you are finding that information useful. When it comes around to those particular days again, please could you encourage your child to choose one of the alternative lunch options. Thank you. 

Library Books

We have visited the library this week for the first time. We hope you enjoy sharing these stories at home with your child. Library books should be returned next Friday to be swaped for a new one. Thank you.

Home Activity Books

We've sent home our home activity books home this week. They should be returned on Thursday smiley

Family Photos

We will be beginning our topic next week Me, me, me. Through a variety of stories and activities, the children will be exploring things that make them special and unique; their likes, dislikes, appearance, friends, family etc. As part of our home corner, we would like to display the children’s family photos. If you could send in a family photo over the next week that would be great! (We will photocopy photographs and send the original home again).


- PE 

We will be having our first PE session next week, on Thursday 21st. Please could you make sure PE kits are in school before then if they're not already.


As you know, we spend lots of time outside and in all types of weather. Wellies in school would be much appreciated!


Water bottles should be sent to school every day. They will be sent home at the end of each day to be washed/refilled. Please, please could you ask the children to carry their water bottles separate to their bookbag so that they don't leak. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr