Reception News - 13th November

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 8:24pm

Reception News

The children arrived to school on Monday to see our home corner blown over. They knew straight away it must have been the wolf from the Three Little Pigs. We enjoyed reading the story together – especially the huffing and puffing!

We decided to try and catch the wolf. We made lots of traps but we had no luck. So in our writing we have been making Wanted posters to stick around our school – just in case the wolf has crept into another classroom. We have been describing the wolf – what he looks like, what he sounds like, what he feels like and what he smells like!

In maths we have been exploring shapes. We have been talking about the number of sides and corners different shapes have. Our focus this week has been triangles and circles. We used the 2D shapes to make a shape picture of the Three Little Pigs house.  


We have now completed our phonics assessments. We are so proud of all the progress the children have made since September. We have sent home their assessment for you to see and celebrate with your child. You might find some ‘next steps’ included on their assessment. Working on these next steps will help your child progress even further!

We will be starting Phase 2 phonics on Monday. Get ready for some new sounds smiley


Thank you so so much for taking the time to write down your thoughts about Reception and St Mary’s. Your words, I’m sure, will provide reassurance to our prospective parents.

Just a reminder about snack – as we are a nut free school we kindly ask that you check your child’s snack is free from nuts. Could you particularly check cereal bars. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!


The Reception Team