Reception News - 11th October

Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 4:50pm

Reception News - 11th October

Reception News


Come and See

This week we have talked about how we make people feel welcome. We thought about how we have been welcomed into our school. We even learned how children in other countries welcome their friends.


Focus Story

Our story this week was Rainbow Fish. The story is about a fish that learns to share with his friends. We talked about what makes a good friend and talked about how to fix a friendship that might be broken.



This week we have introduced our new sounds (g,o,c,k).  We have been trying hard to segment words using our ‘Robot arms’ and learning new ‘tricky words’ (on/not/the).


Harvest Assembly

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Harvest assembly. I’m sure you’ll all agree that the children were fantastic singers. Also thank you for your support at home, helping your child to learn our song.

Reminders from Mrs Amor…

Next week in Come and See we are going to be learning about Baptism. It would be lovely if you could send in a photo of your child’s Baptism for us to share during Come and See J


See you all next week.