Reception News - 10/1/2020

Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 10:32am

Reception News

A happy new year to you all! We hope you all had a good Christmas J

The Reception team would like to say a huge thank you for your very thoughtful Christmas gifts, cards and messages.

The children have settled back into school perfectly after Christmas and have been so busy catching up with all of their friends. They’ve had a very exciting week!

So what have we been up to?

Come and See

We started our new topic, Celebrating this week. We have been talking about our own experiences of celebrations and things we do to celebrate.


Our new topic, Space, started with a surprise visit from an alien called Jet. Jet’s rocket had crashed into our classroom and he had gone off exploring our school. We wrote letters to Jet and asked him lots of questions. He sent a letter back to us on Friday and told us that he was heading home J

We decided that Jet’s rocket must have crashed because he packed too many things and made it too heavy. So in maths, we have been exploring weight. We have been using the balance scales to weigh objects and have used language like heavier and lighter to compare. We are very good at this!


Junk modelling

As you know, we LOVE creating models with cardboard boxes, kitchen rolls and yoghurt pots (to name a few). We are really running low so would really appreciate donations!

Bookbags and reading books

Just a couple of reminders….

Please could I ask that bookbags and reading books/reading records be sent into school every day. There aren’t set days for children to read with us so reading records may be needed any day of the week.

Wallets must also be sent to school every day. We often have letters/messages/money to send home.


Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

From Mrs Amor, Miss Parr and Mrs MacDonald smiley