Reception Letter

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 12:23pm

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                                                      Friday, 9th September 2022

We hope your children have had a good first week. We are very proud of how well the children have settled into life in Reception. They are a credit to you. The children are at the very beginning of their learning journey at St Mary’s. Whilst developing academically, children learn respect, kindness and how to be positive role models within the community.

Below you will find some important information

Home times

To ensure your child’s safety, we will continue to ask you for your name and the password before we release your child to you. This is just until we become familiar with you and any other adults that may collect your child from school. We would really appreciate your patience and understanding in this area. Thank you.


Please make sure all clothing, including coats, are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Earrings are not allowed. Clear, plastic earring retainers are allowed if needed. School shoes must be worn, not trainers. Please could you send a spare set of named underwear for your child to keep in school.

Wellie Walk Wednesday

Every Wednesday afternoon is 'Wellie Walk Wednesday'. This involves exploring our wonderful outdoor school surroundings, identifying different minibeasts and observing seasonal changes. We ask that children bring a pair of wellington boots at the start of the year. Wellington boots will be kept in school and returned at the end of the school year. Please ensure wellington boots are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Drop off and Pick up times

School gates will open at 8.45am and will close at 8:57am. Both parents/carers can accompany their child to the classroom door. Anyone arriving after 8:57am will need to enter via the main entrance. Gates will open at 3.30pm for families to collect their children from their classroom doors.


Please make sure you send a healthy, nut-free snack into school every day for your child. We kindly ask that you send snack separately, if you are bringing a packed lunch, because children are mistaking it for their lunch. Alternatively, children can have a piece of toast. This can be paid for via SchoolMoney.

School Dinner

All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are automatically entitled to free school lunches. Children may, however, opt to bring a packed lunch to school if they so wish. Please let us know as we will not order a school meal for them. Since school dinners are tasty and free, we would suggest letting the children try them for a couple of weeks. If they are not eating their school meal, we will let you know and suggest they have a packed lunch.

Communication at home time

We understand that parents and carers are very busy. When someone else is collecting at home time, it can be challenging to communicate messages concerning bumps, bangs and any behavioural concerns. Therefore, we are requesting your consent to share these messages in your absence with whoever collects your child. If we do not receive consent, we will contact you via telephone after school.

As always, thank you for your continued support,

We hope that you have a lovely weekend, and we shall see on Monday.

Miss Berks and Mrs McDonald