Ready, raring and really persuasive!

Date: 14th Jan 2020 @ 3:56pm

Come and See

This week, we are starting the Reveal section of our new topic, 'Sources'. Last week, we explored books that we knew and loved; we talked about the history of books and how only rich people could afford to buy them; and finally we talked about what we thought reading would look like in the distant future. We decided that, although there is a lot of merit in E-books, paper books would not become obsolete completely.



In our PE lessons, we are starting a new unit- net and wall games. Our first lesson prepared us for the next few lessons to come, as we worked on our 'ready' position. Here is what some of the children had to say about our first PE lesson on net and wall games...

"Mrs Naylor gave us a ball between us and we had to find a wall and one person had to throw it to the wall and the other person had to catch it." 

- Olivia

"Each team has four people in it. One of those people is the leader and the leader tells the person playing on their team to touch a certain coloured cone. The four coloured cones are in a square."

- Kate

"Thirdly, Mrs Naylor hit the ball with a tennis racket and we had to try and catch it, but she made it harder and harder because she hit it in different directions."

- Caitlin

Throughout these activities, the children were encouraged to use the ready position, which enabled them to move quickly and be alert. This is how the children describe the ready position:

Head up high

Knees soft and slightly bent

Stomach tensed

Elbows relaxed

Feet shoulder width apart

Hands in front of the body



In literacy lessons, we have started looking at persuasive writing. In Monday's lesson, we unpicked a piece of persuasive writing, looking for the features we had learnt about. Today, we were given the chance to create our own persuasive advertisement (after being told Mrs Naylor's 6 top tips, of course!) We worked in small groups to produce a poster, which advertised a product. Some of the features of persuasive writing we have found include repetition, exaggeration, repetition, facts, opinions, word play (puns, humour), emotive language, repetition, evidence to back up statements (and did I mention repetition?).

We looked at persuasive sentence starters and how they can help to make our writing even more convincing. Mrs Naylor asked us to write some persuasive sentences which would enourage people to come to our school. Here are some examples:

"Here are 2 reasons why you should come to our school: firstly, it makes you feel safe and secondly, it's really fun!"

- Caitlin

"Fancy coming to an awesome school? Well, come to St. Mary's!"

- Harry

"Become a student at St. Mary's while there are still spaces."

- Skye 

(subject to availability wink)

"Everybody knows that our school, St. Mary's, is the best school on Earth. Most people would agree that school is boring, but not our school. If you came to our school, you wouldn't regret anything."

- Hope

"Do you want a better education? Fancy going to a different school? Well, if you are, everybody knows that St. Mary's, Birchley is the best school in the UK. Our school is a safe and happy place, where we follow Jesus by living, loving and working together. Both teachers and children will welcome you to our school no matter what."

- Olivia

"Most people would agree that our school is very welcoming and safe. Your child should come to our school because we have very good education: our school is fabulous! The real truth is that when people leave our school, they say it is the best school they have ever been to. Here is why you should come: we have a very good education and we welcome everyone. Become a brainy person right here at St. Mary's Birchley. You won't believe your eyes."

- Beau

"Are you brave enough to join our school, with hard work, fun and games? St. Mary's is very safe. Come down to St. Mary's."

- Cameron

"Everybody knows that our school is the best. All the teachers comfort people and they are extremely nice. I think you should come to St. Mary's."

- Maizie