Concluding Our Investigation

Date: 5th Jul 2017 @ 9:12am

This week, we have been very excited in Year 3 as we have some wonderful news to share; we are going on a trip! We will be attending the World Museum in Liverpool to take part in a workshop all about Ancient Greece. Don't forget to send in your consent forms as soon as possible.



This week in literacy, we have started to write the first drafts of our play scripts. Last week, we produced a plan which encouraged us to think about the cast list, props and storyline we would be writing about. This week, we have used our plans to produce our first drafts. We have enjoyed talking about our favourite stories and some children even brought in the book they are going to be changing into a play script to help them. Once our first drafts are completed, we will edit and improve them and produce our final draft. Some of these will be posted on the website once completed.




We have been working very hard in numeracy lessons this week when learning about money. We have practised making amounts using coins, adding amounts together to give a total and we are also starting to look at giving change when purchasing items. During Tuesday's lesson, we were all very hungry as Miss Barnes invited us to her sweet emporium, where we had to buy sweets and add up the total. 


Image result for coins


We were so excited to continue with science this week as we were desperate to find out the results of our investigation! Last week, we planned an observation investigation to see how plants would grow in different circumstances. If you read our blog last week, you will remember that we put our plants in 3 different places:

1. We placed some seeds in a dark cupboard and gave them water to observe the effects of no light on a plant's growth.

2. We placed some seeds in the fridge and gave them water to observe the effects of no heat on a plant's growth.

3. We placed some seeds in the sunlight but gave them no water to observe the effect of no water on a plant's growth.

Below you will find some images of the finished results. As you can see, the seeds that were planted in the dark grew the tallest, but they were a different colour and didn't smell very pleasant! The seeds that were placed in the fridge were just starting to grow, but again they were discoloured and hadn't grown properly. Finally, the seeds we placed in the sunlight without water were exactly the same as they were when we placed them there a week ago! We learned a lot from this investigation about what plants need to survive and we really enjoyed completing this investigation as a class.