Position, Direction and Movement

Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 3:02pm

Hello Everyonesmiley

Some of your friends have been in school since Monday and they are being taught by Mrs Talbot Davies in the Y1 classroom.  Mrs Taylor and I have been teaching the Reception children but we give your Y1 friends a little wave as we go past! 


Scarlett has sent some us some work to look at and she wants to say high to all of her friends who she is missing lots and lots!  Because our Science topic this half term is ‘Animals’, she has been hunting and researching mini-beasts, making bird boxes and has completed some writing about her pet rabbit Sparkles. 


It was great to hear that Oliver has been reading some Roald Dahl books at home.  We read, ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ during our topic on ‘Materials’ and had started ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ just before lockdown started.  The children really enjoyed these stories as they are so funny and there are a number of titles that are a shorter read and accessible to some of the Y1 readers (with a little adult guidance) if they wanted to give them a try. 


Last week I set you some fractions work to complete at home and on Education City and if you completed this, you will be able to make use of this fraction knowledge during this next set of Maths work.  If you haven’t completed the fractions work in your My City then you will need to do this first as a knowledge of halves and quarters will help you with this next unit of work on turning. 


These are the children who deserve a massive well done for their Education City work so far:

Georgia, Matilda, Ewan and ||Scarlettyes

These children have also made a super effort:

Lucas, Maddie, Alfie Ba, Jessica, James, Sam and Bobbyyes

Well done everyone!yes


In school, we would have been learning about position, direction and movement which are all very practical topics and something that you could play and learn about practically at home.  Positional language is the wide range of words that describe the position of an object like above, in-between, behind, under etc.  Perhaps you could play hide the teddy and you could describe where it is hidden using positional words.  Directional language is the words forwards and backwards and left and right. You could pretend to be a robot and follow directions from your robot master or mistress to help learn your left and right.  Movement is all about turning (firstly in a clockwise direction and then, once you are completely secure, in an anti-clockwise direction.)  Start with whole turns, then move onto half turns and once secure move onto quarter and finally three quarter turns which are very tricky!


 I have added some new games to help you learn position and direction and movement on your ‘My Cities.’


Goodbye for now and I will see you or speak to you next week.heart


Mrs Duffyheart