Position and Direction

Date: 30th Mar 2017 @ 8:41am


In maths this week, we have been looking at position and direction. We have talked about turns and how a 90 degree turn is also called a right angle. We gave Beebots instructions such as:

Move forward 3 times

Turn right 90 degrees

Move backwards once.


We also looked at road maps and gave each other directions. We learned that giving specific directions is very important, so the person knows where to go. Miss Barnes took us all into the hall and gave us some clear directions and some unclear directions. This helped us to understand how to give specific instructions.


Finally, we looked at zoo animals on a grid and we learned how to write down the coordinates for each creature. We used the following sentence to help us:

Across the corridor and up / down the stairs.

This helped us to remember how to use a coordinates grid.

Image result for coordinates for kids



In literacy this week, we have been finishing off our current topic, which was learning about fables. Throughout the topic, we have read fables, performed them, talked about morals and how they are woven into fables and we have even written our very own mixed- up fables!

Miss Barnes was so impressed with our fables that she compiled a class book of them, which we can read during quiet reading time in the mornings.  

Some of our favourite fables include:

  • The Hare and The Tortoise
  • The Mischievous Dog
  • The Cat and The Birds
  • The Ant and The Grasshopper, and
  • The Ant and The Dove.

We are now experts on fables and can explain the features of them confidently. After the holidays, we will be moving on to look at a text in our literacy lessons. More to come on this after the break.


Image result for the mischievous dogImage result for the cat and the birdsImage result for the ant and the grasshopperImage result for the ant and the dove