Poetry week

Date: 4th Oct 2017 @ 3:38pm

Last Thursday (28th September) was National Poetry Day. At St Mary's, we have celebrated this by dedicating a week to poetry. We have been exploring this year's theme, which is 'Freedom'. We have been learning to recite a poem (I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou) ready for our assembly on Thursday afternoon. 



In literacy lessons, we have been focussing on poetry. On Monday,  we were given a poem entitled 'Freedom'. In groups, we had to perform this poem to the rest of the class. We then gave some constructive criticism (as well as lots of positive praise!) to each group. Then, we took a poem called 'Leisure' by William Henry Davies and we wrote our own version, keeping the first and last line the same. The poems produced by both groups were excellent! In our next lesson, we will be creating our own poem about what freedom means to us.

                                                 Image result for freedom


In our science lesson this week, we were put through our paces by Miss Barnes! We carried out our investigation into how our heart rate changes during exercise. We had a 3 minute rest, did a 3 minute warm up, main activity and cool down and we checked our pulse for 10 seconds after each activity. We then recorded our results in a table. There were lots of tired children afterwards! Next week, we will be concluding our investigation and discussing what we found out. We will also be placing our results into a spreadsheet and producing graphs to show our results clearly.

                                                      Image result for heart rate


In computing, we have been learning about keeping safe online. This week, we learned how to cross-check information to make sure it is accurate.