Play Script Performances

Date: 7th Jun 2017 @ 9:27am

We have enjoyed our first week back at school after the holidays. We were amazed to see how much our sunflowers have grown over the half term! Below you will see some photographs of our sunflower progress. 

Image result for sunflower


In maths this week, we have been concentrating on fractions. We have consolidated our understanding of counting forwards and backwards in tenths, as well as matching fractions to pictures which show fractions. You can see an example of this below.

The focus of our lessons this week has been to find fractions of amounts (for example, what is 2/5 of 25?), add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and to solve problems using our knowledge of fractions. By the end of this week, we will be fraction experts!

                                     Image result for fraction



In literacy this week, we have moved on to a new unit. We still haven't finished our last book, 'Billionaire Boy', so this is something we will finish in addition to our new unit through Guided reading and class reading time at the end of the day.

We are now learning all about play scripts, which is really interesting. So far, we have text marked a play script, performed one in small groups to the class and we have talked about the different features we have found. Some of the features of a play script are:

  • Character lists at the beginning of the text
  • Scenes, not chapters
  • Narrator role
  • Stage directions to tell the actors what to do and how to move
  • Character names on the left hand side to show who is speaking
  • No inverted commas or speech marks to indicate when a character is speaking.

In the coming weeks, we will be using our understanding of the features of play scripts to plan, write and re-draft our own. Keep checking the website for more updates on our play script unit.



In history lessons, we have continued to learn more about Ancient Greece and how people used to live in those times. We went outside and re-enacted the Battle of Marathon before the holidays, which we really enjoyed. We then went back into class and wrote a diary entry from the point of view of a soldier. This week, we are learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses and how they had such a big influence on Greek citizens. We are also going to be looking at a Greek Myth, which is yet to be revealed. 

                                                                             Image result for ancient greek gods and goddesses