'Play Fever'

Date: 12th Nov 2017 @ 6:52pm

Well, as you all probably know, the play has been cast!! 

We tried really hard to put the children in the best roles possible for them.  Some children are, inevitably, disappointed not to have got the particular part that they wanted but, I'm sure you'll understand, that it's a very difficult thing to do and keep everyone happy at the same time.

We are really proud of the way that the children have handled their disappointment and can't believe the ideas that they are having for the play.  (Some good - and some just, quite frankly, weird!).

Please, parents, read over the script with your children and help them to memorise their lines.  angel

In other news, we had a trip to Liverpool Cathedral on Tuesday. Y1, Y3 and Y6 went to have a look around.  Half of Y6 went on the coach with Y3 and the other half went with Y1 to help to herd the 'little people' along.  winkWe learned lots from our guides and had a great time.  The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were extremely well behaved.  They are a credit to you.   

The children have done fraction assessments in maths this week - hard ones!! but all coped very well. laugh    They have planned a piece of writing with Miss Barnes and in our topic sessions have been learning about lines of longitude and latitude  and learning about time zones so that they can tell the time in different parts of the world.

We finished the week off by taking part in the memorial service in Billinge.  We each had a flag and we made up our own prayer for peace which we wrote on the back of the flag.  We joined other children from St Aiden's, Chapel End and Garswood Primary Schools and put all of our flags in the memorial garden for everyone to read.  We hope you like them.  It's such an important thing that we remember all the brave men and women who gave their lives for their country and for us.   We then went for a quick pint in the Eagle & Child !  (Only joking! but refreshments were put on for the children at the pub which they thoroughly enjoyed devil.

Anyway, my marking is calling so see you tomorrow kids. 

Same time, same place for Mrs Hrab's next blog.