Picnic in the Past Supplementary Letter

Date: 18th Jul 2017 @ 12:48pm

Friday 7th July

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s)

As part of our current history topic on seaside holidays in the past, we are inviting you to come and join us for our very own ‘picnic in the past’ on Thursday 20th July 2017 where we will experience an afternoon as people would have done 100 years ago.

We would be grateful if the children could come dressed in Victorian clothing for the whole of that day and, should you be able to attend, then please being foods that would have been eaten in the early 1900’s (Victorian clothing for yourselves is optional). Feel free to choose from the food ideas below, some of which would have been enjoyed both in the past as well as now.

Also during the afternoon, the children will be performing an ‘English Country Dance’ for you and will be given the opportunity to play some old fashioned games and build sandcastles in the sand(pit).

Should you be unable to attend then we would appreciate it if you could send a plate of food for your child to bring to the picnic clearly labelled with their name.

The children will be eating their school lunch as normal and the picnic will begin at 2pm.

Should you require any further information then please do not hesitate to speak with either of us. We hope to see as many of you there as possible and feel sure that it will be a fun and interesting afternoon.


With kind regards

Mrs Taylor & Mrs Duffy


Food Ideas:

Cold Meat (cured) Cold Pies

Crisps Fruit Cheese

Cakes Blamange Jellied Eels (only joking!)


I can confirm that I am the parent of _______________________ and

I shall / shall not be attending the Picnic in the Past on Thursday 20th July 2017.


I can also confirm that there will be ______________ people attending the picnic from my child’s family and we will bring foods which would have been eaten at a picnic in the early 1900’s.


Signed ________________________________________ Date _________________