Date: 2nd Jul 2017 @ 9:06pm

Well it's taken me until Sunday to recover from our annual PGL holiday.  I'm clearly far too old for adventure holidays! My poor legs and feet don't know what's hit them! As for the weather - don't mention it ! crying

One of the managers at PGL said I deserved an award for having visited the site over 20 times. As far as he knew the record for a teacher coming to PGL was 14 years!  (A mere novice compared to me!)

What a fantastic time we had though and the days away flew by. The children were brilliant. Many of them overcame personal fears and challenges and everyone had a go at every single activity. The atmosphere amongst the children was fantastic. They cheered each other on and encouraged those who were frightened. I couldn't have been more proud of them.

Bedrooms were the tidiest that I have ever seen  and the children slept well on both nights. I think the fresh air; pouring rain; early breakfasts and non stop activities really tired them out. Many of them were so tired that they slept all of the way home laugh

A big thank you to the staff who gave up their time - Mrs Hrabowenskyj, Miss Davies and Mrs Hankin.  Without them the holiday would have never happened.