Passport To The World- A Wonderful Start

Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 8:37pm

Hello everybody! laugh

We have had a lovely second week in Year 2 and Mrs Ryan and Mrs TD are very impressed with everyone’s behaviour and attitudes so far. It has been an absolute pleasure starting to get to know our lovely class and we are very excited for what we have planned this half term…

This week, we spent some time exploring the PSHE Theme: ‘I’m an Amazing Person’. We each thought about qualities we have that make us unique and special. We talked about things we enjoy and are good at; what makes us a good team member; things we are proud of and things we have worked hard to improve. We wrote each of these things on a hot air balloon and coloured them in using bright, vibrant colours. We also thought about the people, objects and memories that are special to us and completed a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of a heart to remind us of the things we keep close to our hearts. We talked about how remembering these things can help us when we are feeling sad or going through a difficult time. Finally, we thought about one thing we really love about our school. There were lots of answers ranging from playing with our friends to the very tasty school dinners. We each wrote a sentence and drew a picture of one thing we love about our school on a special heart. These are going to be used to make a whole school display.

In other news, we started our topic work this week. Our first topic is called ‘Passport to the World’.  In our Literacy lessons, we read ‘Gregory Cool’ by Caroline Binch. This is the story of a little boy who travels to Tobago to visit his grandparents. We thought about some of the differences between life in Tobago and life here in the UK. In particular, we talked about the different climates and food.

In our Geography lessons, we learnt that there are 7 continents in the world. These are: North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australasia and Antarctica. We learnt that a continent is a collection of countries that are close together and that each of the 7 continents is separated by an ocean. We learnt that the continent we live in is Europe- which is the second smallest continent in size. We looked at a map of the world then labelled our own maps with the 7 continents. Mrs Ryan was so impressed that some of her very special 'Geography Genius' stickers were even given out! 

Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the UK in more detail and will be focusing on the 4 capital cities and their landmarks.

We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend and are looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team heart