Passport to the World- A Fantastic Finish!

Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 10:39am

Wow! What a wonderful first half term we have had in Y2. Everyone has worked really hard and we are all looking forward to a well earned rest over half term!

We certainly had a fantastic finish to our ‘Passport to the World’ topic this week with lots of exciting things happening…

On Monday, we visited Liverpool John Lennon Airport where we met with some of the cabin crew and police security officers and found out about their jobs. We took a tour of the baggage check in area, watched some of the planes take off and saw the John Lennon statue. Mrs TD was very proud of how well behaved everyone was- the children were super ambassadors for our school.

We were very lucky to have a special visitor in our class on Thursday afternoon. Tristan’s dad, Chris, very kindly offered to come in and speak to the children about his great grandad, James Clarke who was born in British Guiana (now Guyana). When he was 14, he stowed away on a ship bound for Liverpool and was adopted by an Irish family living in the Scotland Road area. The children enjoyed learning about how James worked on the docks and joined Wavertree Swimming Club. He started teaching children to swim after rescuing many of them from the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. He went on to save many lives and even has a street named after him!

We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Chris for giving such an interesting and engaging presentation which really enriched the children’s learning about the Caribbean. Chris was very keen to point out that every family has an amazing story to tell and has given the children an optional half term project to find out about where their relatives or ancestors come from. The children have taken this home with them today and are very welcome to share their findings with the class after half term if they would like to.

We have ended our topic today with a celebration of our learning. We have enjoyed sampling Caribbean ‘mocktails’ (fruit juices) and tasting tropical fruits whilst listening to Reggae music. We found out about which countries these fruits come from and even carried out an investigation to see which mocktail was the most popular in our class. Tropical juice won with an overwhelming majority!

One of the children even brought in a Reggae cook book for us to look through- some of the children are very keen for their mummies and daddies to try out some of the recipes over half term. Please let us know if you give any of them a try!

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know the children this half term and we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break.

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team