'Out of This World'

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:15pm

Hello everyone,

We are now halfway through Spring Term 2. Well done to all those children who have been awarded stickers, certificates, housepoints and have achieved superstar status in class. We are very proud of you all ?.

We have been very busy enjoying our ‘Out of This World’ topic. So far, we have been super historians using the Internet to research the life of Neil Armstrong. We have used timelines to sequence key events from his life and from the history of space travel. In our writing, we have used adjectives and emotive language to describe how Armstrong might have felt just before stepping on the Moon.

We have also explored a range of puppets and how they work and have designed our very own space themed puppets which we are very excited to create next week.

A letter has gone home tonight explaining our optional homework project- to make either a rocket or flying saucer  to bring in on the last day of term (Friday 31st March). On this day, Year 2 will be enjoying an afternoon in Space and will have the opportunity to sample “astronaut food”. There is also a copy of this letter on our class page along with instructions on how to make a rocket or flying saucer. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team ?