Out Of This World!

Date: 2nd Apr 2019 @ 5:59pm


3, 2, 1..Blast Off!!

Hello everyone! 

We have had a very busy half term and have thoroughly enjoyed our latest topic, ‘Out Of This World.’

As part of this topic, we read ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. It is a story all about toys that are left out in the garden overnight and get beamed up into Space! We have written some super character descriptions based on this book and even produced a set of instructions on how to make your own Hoctopize alien! Mrs Talbot-Davies was very impressed with our writing. 

In our History lessons, we have learnt about the first Lunar landing and have created timelines showing the chronology of Space travel. We used books and the Internet to research the lives of significant individuals including Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and produced some super information posters. We also wrote a short biographical account about Armstrong-the first man to walk on the Moon. We then thought about similarities and differences between the missions of Armstrong and another famous explorer from a different time- Christopher Columbus. 

In our DT lessons, we have designed and created our own Space themed hand puppets. Mrs Ryan thinks they look truly ‘out of this world!’ We will be taking them home at the end of term, so get ready to welcome some very special extraterrestrial beings!

Finally, we are super excited to travel into Space for the end of our topic where we are sure to meet some interesting characters! The Year 2 team know that lots of the children have been busy at home creating their own flying saucers and rockets to take with us and we cannot wait to see them! As part of our mission, we will taste astronaut food, search for aliens and each write a postcard to our family and friends back on Earth!

We look forward to accomplishing our mission and will be sure to post some photographs for you all to see!

Over and Out!

The Year 2 Team J