Our Day Of Reflection - March 23rd 2021

Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 11:58am

Year 6’s Day Of Reflection 2021

On March 23rd, we commemorated the first anniversary of our country going into lockdown to protect us against Covid-19. We wanted to use the day as a day of prayer, reflection and gratitude. In class, we completed lots of activities to remember the past year and all the memories it has brought with it- good and bad.

To start off the day, we completed some mindfulness colouring while we thought about what it was that we were doing exactly 12 months before. Some of us remember that day vividly; others don’t remember very much other than how they were feeling at that time.

Throughout the day, we had lots of discussions about our memories from lockdown, positive and negative, and we shared some of our fears and hopes for the future. We all participated maturely and sensibly in a very serious and reflective discussion, and we found we had a lot to talk about.

We thought about people who had passed away, their families and the impact this last year has had on their lives. We talked about how many of us have known someone who has been affected by the disease and how it is something that will continue to affect lives for many years to come. As part of this discussion, we wrote down some of our memories from the past year and put them in a memory jar, which is now kept in our classroom.

At 12:00 noon, we held a minute’s silence, where we thought about those who had died, their families, the survivors and the doctors and nurses, who are working tirelessly and selflessly to save lives every day.

We decided to put up a display in class to remind of us the positives. On this display, we each filled in love hearts with our hopes for the future.

To commemorate the day, as a school, we decided to plant some bulbs and seeds as a sign of new life and bringing light and brightness into the world. We had lots of fun planting our bulbs, and we wrote prayers on minibeasts, which were laminated and stapled onto our planter as messages of hope and gratitude to others.









Overall, we really enjoyed our day of reflection and found that it helped us to remember the past, be grateful for the present and set ourselves some goals for the future.