"Order in the court!"

Date: 27th Mar 2017 @ 8:05pm

As part of our Literacy work, last week, we turned the Year 6 classroom into a courtroom and the children debated various issues in front of a ‘judge’ and ‘jury’. Some of the topics discussed included: Should school uniform be compulsory? Should the 6 week summer holidays be reduced to 2 weeks? Should the school day be extended? Should mobile phones be allowed in schools?  The children worked in teams to present arguments either ‘for’ or ‘against’ each issue and then the jury voted on each case.

It was decided that school uniform should be compulsory, the summer holidays should not be reduced to 2 weeks, the school day should be longer and that children should be allowed to bring mobile phones into school! All of the children worked really hard to gather their ideas and presented their arguments with confidence.

Following on from this, the children will be writing up their own balanced arguments which I am very much looking forward to reading.