Optional Learning through I.T. and Oral Rehearsal of Mathematics

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:48pm

Optional Learning through I.T. and Oral Rehearsal of Mathematics


Hello Everyone!


Learning through IT – Phonics and Reading:

To help your child learn the phonics rules that will be taught over the coming months, I have added some new phonics games and activities, to consolidate their learning, to their Homework My City on Education City.


The children can access these activities on a laptop or home computer using the Education City username and password which you will find in the home learning book that was sent home with your child in the autumn term.  Please note that these activities are optional but they are a fun and interactive way for your child to learn their phonics without lots of adult support.

To access the activities:

•        Log on to Education City using your username and password and don’t forget to input the country- England.

•        On the Home Page, click on the green homework icon

•        Click on the homework tab

•        Click on your Letters and Sounds folder

•        Choose from the activities that are in your folder

•        Complete activity

•        The program will show you (and me!) your scores and corrections

•        See if you can beat your previous score


Also if I have set your child up on the program ‘Teach your Monster to Read’, please encourage them to continue to access this, as it will continue to help them with their reading and phonics.  Again this activity is optional.



Learning through IT – Mathematics:

Please continue to encourage your child to go on Numbots which is a great number program on the internet that school has subscribed to.  It helps them to develop their instant recall of number facts.  Already lots of the children tell me that they have been accessing it but if your child has not yet had a go, you can find their username and password in their home learning book and just Google Numbots.  You will probably need the school’s postcode too which is WN57QJ.  Again, this activity is optional but will serve to benefit your child’s mental recall of mathematical facts.


I have also added some optional numeracy activities to your children’s Education City My Cities so they can keep practising their maths at home.  Please access Education City using the instructions detailed above.


Oral Rehearsal of Mathematics:

Here are some optional oral activities that you can practise with your child while you are in the car, walking to school or whilst they are waiting for their evening meal:


  • Count forwards to 100 and beyond if possible
  • Count backwards from100
  • Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10
  • Say one more or less than any number
  • Mental recall of addition and subtraction within 10
  • Recite the days of the week and months of the year in order


Please remember that all of these activities are optional but if you decide to use them with your child I hope they find them fun.  From Mrs Duffy xxx