Once Upon A Time

Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 8:04pm

Hello everyone and welcome to 2019! We hope that you all had a well-earned rest over the Christmas holidays and are ready to work hard again this half term.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a massive ‘thank you’ for the very thoughtful cards and gifts we received at the end of last term. We were overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity.

This half term, our topic is ‘Once Upon A Time’. In Literacy, we will be exploring traditional tales and their features as well as writing character descriptions, diary entries and adding our own additional pages to well known fairy-tales!


This week, in our Science lessons we have thought about the different materials used by the 3 Little Pigs to build their houses. This led us to discuss the uses of everyday materials such as wood, metal and plastic and to compare the properties of these. We then thought about objects that can be made using different materials- e.g. a spoon can be made from wood, metal or plastic. We discussed when it might be appropriate to use these different materials and what might happen if the wrong material is used!

We have been conducting lots of experiments as part of our ‘Materials’ work. For example, on Friday we were detectives and went on a ‘Materials Mission’ around school to find objects made from different materials. We found lots of examples of objects made from wood, plastic, glass and metal to name a few. Check out the photographs of this on our gallery page.

We also explored what would happen to different objects when we tried to change their shapes by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. Mrs Ryan brought in some of Baby Blake’s toys-and even his socks- so we could compare using a wide range of objects and materials. Again, check out the photographs of this on our gallery page.

So as you can tell, we have been super busy and working very hard.  We are looking forward to the rest of out topic work which will include some data handling in Computing lessons, growing bean plants and making soup.


That’s all for now!

The Year 2 Team J