Oh what fun we’ve had!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:11am

Home Learning - Week commencing 13th April


This week, we have had lots of fun at school! Monday was a bank holiday, so school was closed. We only had 4 days in school, which meant we had to squeeze in lots of fun activities into an even shorter space of time!


Over the four days, we had lots of fun activities to keep us entertained. Here are some of the things we got up to:


  • Painted wooden hearts, which we hung on the tree outside Year 3 (we call it a positiviTREE) wink


  • Decorated our own capes with messages thanking the NHS staff for all they do for us


  • Painted our own superhero masks as a mark of respect to all those key workers who are fighting Coronavirus by working on the front line


  • Posed for photographs while wearing our capes and masks


  • Did some gardening, where we planted peas, amongst other things


  • Had an epic water fight with balloons, pistols and guns


  • Took part in Joe Wicks' P.E. lessons each day


  • Walked a mile each day


  • Took part in yoga


  • Wrote letters and drew pictures for some of the residents of the care home across the road from school heart


  • Watched some Netflix


  • Played games with Sports4Kidz


  • Scooted around the playground


  • Created our own obstacle course outside


As you can see, we had an action-packed week at school! You can see photographs of our fun-filled school days on the school newsletter.