Mouldy bread, E-Safety and Adventures

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 1:06pm


In our literacy lessons, we have been building up to an assessed piece of writing. Our current topic (The Lost World) has led us to our current class text, Mystery of The Maya. This is an adventure story about the Mayans. We have really enjoyed reading this book, so we decided to write our own adventure stories.

First, we unpicked a good adventure story and found out that a key element of an adventure story is a dilemma, which is resolved. Then, we practised our descriptive writing by creating character and setting descriptions. Next, we planned our own adventure story, which we have now started to write. Our first drafts are coming along nicely and Miss Barnes is very impressed with the vocabulary we are using, as well as our use of a range of punctuation. 

Once our first drafts have been completed, we will edit and improve them, before typing up our final drafts for our writing portfolios.



In science lessons, we have been looking at living things and their habitats. After classifying animals according to their properties and creating our own new animal to classify, we moved on to look at microorganisms. We completed an investigation- which we really enjoyed- to find out how mould grows quickest. We took two pieces of bread and put them in sealed, clear, plastic bags. Then we changed a variable: some groups chose to change the temperature, some changed the light and some changed the moisture of the bread. We monitored the bread for a week and then shared our results with the class. We also looked at causal relationships; we found out that the more water you pour on a piece of bread affects the speed at which the mould grows. Those groups that poured a little water on their bread only found small amounts of mould, whereas those groups that poured a lot of water on their bread were left with very mouldy, very smelly bread! We then ranked the bread in order of the amount of water we think was used by looking at the mould on each piece. 




This week is National E-Safety week. As we have already covered E-Safety in detail in Autumn term, this week has just been used for a review of our knowledge and a reminder of the importance of keeping safe online. As part of our morning routines, we complete activities during registration. On Tuesday (6th Feb) we were given some E-Safety scenarios, which we had to discuss and explain how we would deal with the situations. Below, you will find some of our responses.

Scenario 5

Your friend has sent you an email with an attachment of a rude picture.

If your friend has sent you a rude picture, make sure you block the person immediately, tell a trusted adult and report to the red eye. 

I would do all of these things to make sure that this doesn't happen again so I am safe online.



Scenario 7

You're getting mean text messages from someone you don't know.

You should block them, keep the messages and show your parents. It will make the situation better by stopping the bullying.



Scenario 2

A friend has sent you a mean message through the school email.

If a friend sends you a mean message through the school email, you should save the message, block the person and show a trusted adult, or someone you know you can trust. Follow the SMART rules. Stay safe because if you don't report the mean message, someone might think you sent it, so stay safe and out of trouble. Report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset; it will make you feel much better.



Scenario 1

Your friend has been talking to someone online. He / She tells you they're going to meet up tomorrow.

First of all, I would ask if they know the person's name, age and phone number. Then, I would ask if a responsible adult is going with them. If they say no, I will make sure they either take a responsible adult or they don't go. I will make sure they stay safe when meeting this mystery person.
