More Maths For All Of You Marvellous Y1 Mathematicians!

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 11:10pm

Hello Y1smiley

Well, you have all been super busy again doing lots of educational and fun activities!

Martha has been practising reading and spelling her common exception words, as well as going for bike rides and walks with her big brother Joseph.  Alfie Ba has been working hard recognising the different coins and making some exact amounts of money and Scarlett has put her knowledge of coins and notes to good use by making her own shop in the garden.  Penny’s mummy also told me, in Tesco, that Penny has been emptying her purse to find all the different coins and notes and that some of them have found their way into Penny’s money box!  Georgia, Jessica and Scarlett all seemed to really enjoy planning and making their own silly sandwiches and Scarlett’s daddy was a super sport for eating Scarlett’s sandwich without knowing what any of the ingredients were and let me tell you they were pretty disgusting!   Bobby wrote a lovely book review about, ‘Guess How Much I love You’.  He gave it 5 stars.  This is a lovely book, Bobby.  I would give it 5 stars too! Remember, that reading every day is the single most important thing that you should be doing while you are away from school.  Georgia, as well as making sandwiches, has enjoyed building with Lego and making her own Blackpool Tower.

I want to say a big well done to these children who have completed the most activities on Education City in their respective groups so far:-

Alfie Ba




These children have also made a super effort:-

Howie Theo Stanley Bobby Sam Lucas Scarlett and Maddison


I have had a request from a parent to turn the timer off on Education City, which I have done, in order to help the children stop rushing and panicking and making careless errors with their maths.

To get all of you marvellous mathematicians in Y1 over the Whit holidays, I will add some extra tasks to your homework maths folder on Education City.

To access this work follow the instructions below:-

When you received your packs, it contained your Education City username and password.   Here are the instructions for accessing your work saved especially for you in your maths group folders:-

•        Log on to Education City using your username and password and don’t forget to input the country- England!

•        On the Home Page, click on the green homework icon

•        Click on the homework (not classwork) tab

•        Click on the Year 1 maths group that is your group in class (each folder will only record data for the names of the children that are in that group in class)

•        Choose from the learning screens and activities that are in your folder

•        Complete activity

•        The program will show you (and me!) your scores and corrections

•        See if you can beat your previous score

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday with your families.

I will speak to you all again after the Whit holidays.

God bless and take care.

From Mrs Duffy